Riddle me this...
Why is the background music for the new Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials "Alabama" by Lynard Skynard? Shouldn't they play something like "Kentucky Woman" by Neil Diamond or "Kentucky Rain" by Elvis?
Why is the background music for the new Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials "Alabama" by Lynard Skynard? Shouldn't they play something like "Kentucky Woman" by Neil Diamond or "Kentucky Rain" by Elvis?
They are quite sucking actually. In between taking J. to martial arts and soccer today, I did some mulching and also attacked the damn dandelions that have sprouted in the front lawn. The bloody things are growing like, uh, weeds. (ahem)
I was going to write something about a few stories I heard on the morning news, but I can't remember what I wanted to write about. I hate when that happens.
From the pages of Esquire magazine, the 59 Things a Man Should Never Do Past 30.
I know what I'm doing... not going to any immigration rallies. I heard some crap on the radio on the way home today saying that people are going to protest HR-4437, a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives that proposes erecting a fence along much of the U.S.-Mexico border and declaring illegal immigrants felons, by staying home from work, or skipping school. I don't know what good a fence will do, but what's wrong with declaring that illegal immigrants are breaking the law? They are illegal. Therefore, by definition are breaking the law. I don't understand why more people are for this.
My cousin and I are on the same wavelength today. I was starting to type a post last night about the outrageous gas prices, but then got sleepy and went to bed. Her post is pretty funny and I'm sure is what many motorists are thinking when they are gassing up these days. Are the gas stations gauging the price to make a bit of a profit for themselves, or are they themselves getting tucked by the big oil companies and in turn the cost gets trickled down to the consumer.
I got to do some yard work today since it was beautiful outside. Cut some branches off some trees that are on the other side of our fence. Finished putting some mulch down in the front. Put some grass seed down in the front as well since everything looks ill. Put some limestone down in the backyard.
So sleepy. Need sleepy sleepy. Talk amongst yourselves.
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Been busy with training at the new digs. Last Saturday, my wife and I helped out on a day long retreat for Confirmation candidates at a parish outside of Boston. Met some nice people there and young adults. Sunday we went over a friend's house to meet some people about another retreat we'll be helping with in June. All in all a full weekend.
Movers, switch-er-oos, and one less Idol contestant. Being knee-deep in ramp-up mode at the new job hasn't given me much time to catch up on the news stories. I found out this morning that Man-o-man-a-deesa was voted off the Idol show. People are saying it's a surprise, but I respectfully disagree. While she has a good voice, Tuesday's performance wasn't that great. Although, what do I know, my voice isn't that great either.
Today was my first day at my new job. The morning was spent in orientation going over company policies, benefits, etc. The second part was settling in and getting myself situated, meeting new people and starting my ramp-up plan. My nerves were shot today. I was fine until I was just heading out the door this morning.
Yesterday, since it was a nice day, my wife and I took the kids down to the Salem Willows to walk around. It was quite windy yesterday so there was a chill in the air even though it was sunny. We walked by the beach and the kids ended up going knee deep in the water and splashing around. I had to drive back home to get a change of clothes for then and we didn't anticipate them getting wet. lol