Thursday, April 06, 2006

Keep your scorecards handy.

Movers, switch-er-oos, and one less Idol contestant. Being knee-deep in ramp-up mode at the new job hasn't given me much time to catch up on the news stories. I found out this morning that Man-o-man-a-deesa was voted off the Idol show. People are saying it's a surprise, but I respectfully disagree. While she has a good voice, Tuesday's performance wasn't that great. Although, what do I know, my voice isn't that great either.

Katie Couric is moving from NBC to CBS.
Meredith Vieira is moving from ABC to NBC.
and Starr Jones is left with a picture of Mickey Mouse.

Who's going to replace Meredith Vieira on The View? Mandisa? Manischewitz? Man-whore?
The world may never know.


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