Saturday, June 07, 2008

Yes, I would like a receipt.

Wow, I can't believe it's been a few months since I posted. I'll try to do better. Life, you know.

Well, twice in the last few days I was asked when I purchased a beverage or some such thing if I would like a receipt when I'm paying by credit card. This is before I even sign for anything. Uh, yes, it's a credit purchase, shouldn't I be getting a receipt for it? It just seemed kind of odd to me. Who knows. Enjoy the hot weather if you're in New England!


At 6/12/2008 5:50 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

I noticed that when I put gas in the car, after swiping my credit card, the screen always asks "Do you want a receipt?" and you can then press YES or NO. So, I guess they're trying to cut down on paper? I'm pretty sure there are alot of people who would say no. Also, I noticed that some places, like Panera, don't even make you sign for your credit card purchase if it's under a certain $ amount. I think the $ amount for Panera is $25.

At 7/03/2008 12:30 PM, Blogger Tam said...

Well I would just really like it if they would say thank you to me after I pay for something, credit card or cash...hello, I'm the customer! Is it just me???


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