Friday, April 21, 2006


My cousin and I are on the same wavelength today. I was starting to type a post last night about the outrageous gas prices, but then got sleepy and went to bed. Her post is pretty funny and I'm sure is what many motorists are thinking when they are gassing up these days. Are the gas stations gauging the price to make a bit of a profit for themselves, or are they themselves getting tucked by the big oil companies and in turn the cost gets trickled down to the consumer.

We are probably not going to see any relief soon. Why? Because the top two U.S. government officials are big oil tycoons themselves and are reaping in the profits. This is quite the suck. Time to get the veggie oil cars in mass production or dust off the old 10 speed to get around town to save some mula.


At 4/21/2006 1:17 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

Thanks for the shout out, Ed.

I think you're right that it is probably the oil companies that are probably making the big profits. I think Exxon-Mobil is now the largest company in the world and/or largest revenue and/or largest net income. Either way, Exxon-Mobil is making oodles and oodles of $$$.

And I think you're right, there won't be any relief soon :-( It'll be interesting to see the impact on inflation...which could drive up interest rates...which could depress spending...which could depress capital investment...which could depress home prices....which could...well, you get the picture.


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