Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What are you doing May 1st?

I know what I'm doing... not going to any immigration rallies. I heard some crap on the radio on the way home today saying that people are going to protest HR-4437, a bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives that proposes erecting a fence along much of the U.S.-Mexico border and declaring illegal immigrants felons, by staying home from work, or skipping school. I don't know what good a fence will do, but what's wrong with declaring that illegal immigrants are breaking the law? They are illegal. Therefore, by definition are breaking the law. I don't understand why more people are for this.

I'm not saying they are bad people, but it's an insult to all those hard-working immigrants who came to this country legally by filing the proper papers, work visas, go through the normal red tape, etc. to eventually become permanent residents and/or U.S. citizens. My parents immigrated to this country with my grandparents and they went through the proper channels to get here and to become citizens. They didn't get to "the head of line" bypassing others who were waiting in front of them to get here. These new immigration laws are giving illegal immigrants the right to do just that, go to the head of the line.

One of the radio talk hosts gave the perfect analogy. It's like saying he goes to your house unannounced and uninvited, walks in and goes into your refrigerator and makes himself dinner, instead of calling ahead and asking you "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while, may I come over for dinner?" and you saying "Sure, come on by". I don't know maybe I'm missing something, but it just doesn't sound right.


At 4/27/2006 1:01 PM, Blogger Tam said...

I agree with you Ed. I respect the fact that people want to come here to escape the terrible conditions they may face in their homeland BUT...I'm all about the rules!

On another note Ed...PLEASE go to Elsa's blog under Nigerian Soccer and help Elsa and I put our curiosity to rest!!!! :)~


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