Saturday, April 29, 2006

Dandelions aren't dandy

They are quite sucking actually. In between taking J. to martial arts and soccer today, I did some mulching and also attacked the damn dandelions that have sprouted in the front lawn. The bloody things are growing like, uh, weeds. (ahem)

Anyway, it's been bugging me the past few days how the front lawn is in need of some major resuscitation. I put down some limestone several weeks back, and then put down lawn seed, but none of the seeds have germinated. Instead, those lovely yellow flowers were blooming. It's been very dry up here in the Northeast which isn't helping much either. The one good thing about all this is that I haven't had to mow the lawn yet this year. Crap, that reminds me, I need to tune up the lawn mower.


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