Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Midweek weekend wrap-up and other picture postcards

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Been busy with training at the new digs. Last Saturday, my wife and I helped out on a day long retreat for Confirmation candidates at a parish outside of Boston. Met some nice people there and young adults. Sunday we went over a friend's house to meet some people about another retreat we'll be helping with in June. All in all a full weekend.

Has anyone noticed that the gas prices have skyrocketed again and it's nearing $3.00 a gallon? Hello, McFly? What the f is going here? Does anybody care that the oil companies are sticking it to us consumers once again? I'm going to have to take out a loan for every time I fill my tank... and I don't own an SUV!

Our company's Indian office is closed on holiday tomorrow due to the death of one of their famous actors, Rajkumar. His death sparked some riots in India. That's amazing. People here in the U.S. didn't get that emotional when John Ritter died suddenly a few years ago. You know, Jack Tripper. Clifford. Where's the love, people?

Tonight, I went to my alma mater to play bingo to benefit a cancer foundation. They were giving away some nifty prizes like a 24" flat screen TV, and XBox 360, and an iPod among others. We played ten games of various types. I didn't win anything but it was fun playing and it was for a good cause.


At 4/14/2006 8:48 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

Why would fans torch buses and riot because someone they revered died? I don't get it. People riot for the weirdest reasons.


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