Saturday, April 15, 2006

Lots of yardage

I got to do some yard work today since it was beautiful outside. Cut some branches off some trees that are on the other side of our fence. Finished putting some mulch down in the front. Put some grass seed down in the front as well since everything looks ill. Put some limestone down in the backyard.

Last but not least, I tried to get rid of a few pesky carpenter bees. There were a few male bees hovering about trying to be all macho and buzzing around the area where the female bee bored a hole (actually two holes) underneath the outer board of the back of the house. Bloody pests. I sprayed some insect killer in the holes and then plugged them up with wood putty. I thought I had got the one bee because it was right in the opening but it must have moved. After I put the putty, I could still hear her scraping and scratching. Hopefully the insecticide got in there, or by stuffing the hole it will not breath in there.


At 4/15/2006 8:50 PM, Blogger Tam said...

Get 'em Ed! Get those annoying bees! We get them under our deck and poor Josie gets stung every year :(

I'm glad you got outside to enjoy the day. Happy Easter to you and the fam!

At 4/15/2006 9:22 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

Good luck with the bees. Yes, today was an excellent day to be out.

Happy Easter!

At 4/16/2006 8:38 AM, Blogger Ed said...

Thanks, and Happy Easter to you as well!

At 4/17/2006 10:05 AM, Blogger Carmen said...

Yeah, that outside work is hard...I sweat every time I see John working his butt off out there. He's such a good boy.

We, too, had bee issues. They were coming in through a little hole in window siding. We were able to successfully plug the hole a couple of years ago, but only after being chased away several times by a swarm of angry bees combined with lots of girly screaming and flailing arms. Okay, maybe not "swarm" but at least 2 bees...but you just need one to sting your eye out!

Anyhoo, hope you all had a great Easter! Happy Birthday, Ed!

At 4/17/2006 10:01 PM, Blogger Ed said...

Hope you all did too and thanks!!


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