Sunday, May 14, 2006


The ark will be ready soon and we shall set sail for the grocery store at 0800 hours post haste.

Our basement is flooded due to the 10+ inches of rain we got since yesterday and the rain isn't stopping until Tuesday. Wonderful. We lucked out until earlier today when the whole family was enjoying a nice relaxing Mother's Day because it's been so crappy out the past week it seems. I was laying on the couch when I noticed that part of the carpet next to the couch was wet. We thought one of the kids may have spilled some juice or water or something which is not uncommon. But I got up and noticed that there was water coming from somewhere in the furnace room. Shit. We started moving furniture and toys around and got our 6 gallon wet vac to try and dry up some of the water. We couldn't figure out where it was coming in. We later figured that it's probably coming up from the foundation because our backyard is a swamp right now and it doesn't look like the rain water is coming in from a certain spot. Well, we borrowed another wet vac, a 16 gallon one and have been using both nonstop since, along with towels and more towels to soak up the carpet.

Well, back to draining. It's going to be a long night.


At 5/15/2006 9:00 AM, Blogger Elsa said...

That sucks, Ed! I feel bad for you. Water in the basement is always crappy...unless it's sewage in your basement...then it's even "crappier".

I hope your basement is OK now and that you were able to get some sleep.

At 5/15/2006 9:27 AM, Blogger Ed said...

Thanks, Elsa! Yes, we took shifts. I ended up staying up until 3 or so this morning. By that time, it looked like the water wasn't coming in as much if at all. I woke up about an hour ago and the water has stopped coming in for now. The carpet is still soaked and we need to keep an eye out with today and tonight's rain. Hope you're feeling better!

At 5/15/2006 9:33 AM, Blogger Elsa said...

I'm glad the water is no longer coming in. And I'll keep my fingers crossed that it'll stay that way.

Well, after last Wed night, I thought I was feeling better and went back to work, then I got it as bad as I had it before! I rested all this weekend, but it was hard to sleep with all the coughing. I'm actually going back to the doc this afternoon just to make sure it's not anything else since it's been over a week now and I feel like I have something "stuck" in my throat - weird feeling.

At 5/15/2006 10:12 AM, Blogger Carmen said...

Ed, I know how you feel! We got water in our basement too. It's not too bad, and we only needed to wet-vac a few times throughout the day and only a little bit of water in one concentrated area. But, our sump pump has been going off every 1/2 hour or so. If we didn't have it, we'd be pumping out my parents are. Now, I'm just hoping that the river doesn't overflow since it's only a block away. Gurgle. Gurgle. Good luck!

At 5/15/2006 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed, Elsa, you have my symphathies. Here in Babylon by the Bay we got inundated for 4 months straight this year, but fortunately, I live on a rock (Snob Hill) and we get pretty good drainage.

At 5/15/2006 7:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi guys,

Sorry to hear about the water problems. It's been crazy! We've been lucking out so far though we did have a small moat on the side of our house because we haven't had our gutters cleaned yet this spring and water was pouring over the gutters on the roof instead of going through the gutters. Steve made a make shift slope with a tarp and a kiddie slide to push the water back into the yard. Can ya tell he's from Maine?

Hope you feel better, Elsa and let's hope the rivers don't overflow!

At 5/16/2006 12:19 PM, Blogger Ed said...

Carm - how are things today? I heard the river crested yesterday.

lord razz - thanks, dudely.

kvatch - Thanks, I don't know what we'd do with 4 months of rain.

Deb - Thanks too! Glad to hear that you're alright.

The water stopped coming in as of yesterday and the basement is slooowly drying out. The carpet soaked up a lot of the water. I'm worried about today's rain though.

At 5/16/2006 2:44 PM, Blogger Carmen said...

Everything is much drier today. Glad to hear that you're drying out, too. Do you think you're going to need to get rid of your carpet?

I drove by the river last night, about a block away from our lily pad, and it was just about to creep into people's backyards. Needless to say those people were told to didn't look like many were heeding the advice, though. I thought we might get a knock on our door, too, but we're a little further away, so we were spared. I think the worst is over.

Lord Razz reminded me that we were also getting water in from our roof (where the roof meets our front chimney) we have a nice tell tale brown water stain above our dining room table...which is especially pretty to look at when eating. Who am I kidding? I can't remember the last time we actually ATE at the dining room table.

At 5/16/2006 11:25 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

I'm glad everyone is drying out. You guys really should cut back on your drinking.


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