Friday, May 12, 2006

Can you hear me now, mo faux?

Why is our lovely president still in office? He has some of our phone conversations apparently via the NSA without court approval. Oh, yes, yes, they were lawful requests, right, right, Mr. B. Didn't a certain president thirty-some years ago did a similar thing by having phones tapped at a certain hotel and he resigned from office to spare the country unnecessary BS? I can't believe this guy is still in office.


At 5/12/2006 12:40 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

I can't agree more with you, Ed. It's pathetic. It's like there is no "real" accountability. I'm pretty sure that if this had been Bill Clinton with a Republican congress, he would have been impeached several times.

Bush is running this country as if it is a monarchy. Guess what? It's NOT.


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