Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sometimes I scratch my head at the news

This morning on the news they were showing how someone can work around getting on an airplane flight if he/she is on the 'no fly' list. I'm thinking, 'what the hell are they doing?'. So much for security. They are literally broadcasting how someone can get away with this. I was shouting at the TV, "Idiots!" and thinking to myself, "Unbelievable".

On a totally different note, Taylor Hicks as American Idol. Who's with me?? Huh? huh? I think his performance of "In The Ghetto" cinched it. I was hoping he'd sing "If I Can Dream", but Ms. Elliot took it and didn't do too well, in my opinion. Oh sure, Chris is the proverbial beau-hunk and Katharine has a nice rack and all, but come on, the friggin' judges have been saying since day 1 of the show how the contestants need to step it up and "perform". This guy does it and then some and now some think it's too much. I hope he makes it next week, but I wouldn't be surprised if the top two are Chris and Katharine.


At 5/10/2006 1:37 PM, Blogger Tam said...

I won't even touch the first part of your blog, except to say I agree...what idiots!

I will admit that I voted for Chris last night (4 times if you must know!). I think all 4 have a lot of talent but it's just hard for me to watch Taylor perform! I think for once, it'll be a bummer to see anyone go home tonight because all 4 deserve to go on to the next round.

At 5/10/2006 2:55 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

I don't watch American Idol, so yeah - go Taylor Hicks...whoever you are!


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