Thursday, May 18, 2006

Soul Patrol

Come on people! It's still not too late to join the Taylor Hicks bandwagon. It's between him and Katharine McIAlreadyHavePlentyOfHollywoodFriends next week in the finals. It should be an interesting showdown.


At 5/18/2006 1:11 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

After watching AI for the first time with all the cousins last week, I watched some of it last night. Man, SO CLOSE!! I agree with you, I would like Taylor to win. There is something about Katherine that I don't care for...don't know what it is...just something.

At 5/18/2006 9:16 PM, Blogger Ed said...

She comes off as unappreciative in some of her comments. They can be subtle, but you can pick them up.

At 5/19/2006 1:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I like Taylor as well, but I think I'll be voting for Katherine. I like her style of singing. She's more like a Nora Jones verses a Jessica Simpson or Britney. We have enough of those hip hoppy types. I think they'll both get record deals either way.

What makes you say she's unappreciative, Ed. If anything, I think she may be overly giddy, but isn't she pretty young?


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