Friday, March 31, 2006

Ode to Dolphins

Let's see what to write, what to write...

Wednesday, my wife told me to relax and go get myself a massage at the new place owned by Christiane Bourque, Ray Bourque's wife. "I don't know." I said. "Maybe I'll call in a bit."
"I'll swing by there on the way to work." she says.
"OK then".
I wait several minutes and she calls back.
"OK, your appointment is all set. Just bring your swimming trunks and something to read if you want."
"What did you set up?"
"You'll see."
Great, I thought. I got there and the place is very nice. I ended up getting in a whirlpool tub, a Swedish massage, and a pedicure. Yes, folks, a pedicure. My first one. It was quite nice actually and the people there were quite nice.

Yesterday, a bunch of co-workers had a big blowout lunch bash at a local Chinese restaurant. Around 50 to 60 people were there. Later that afternoon, I had my first regular eye exam in several years. Everything looks good and my perscription for glasses stayed the same, but the eye doctor adjusted the fit of my contacts and my right eye was bumped up a little because I have a bit of a stigmatism in both eyes. Nothing to be worried about she said. I've had on the new pair of contacts since last night and I'm not sure if I like them yet. My eyes have been sore, but it could just be because of the exam yesterday.

Today, was my last official day of work at my current job. Several other of my colleagues were being let go today as part of a three phase lay off. Hence, the big lunch yesterday. I've been at this job for almost 9 years and I'm going to miss all the people that I've known and grown great friendships with. The company... not so much. I'm sure we'll all be keeping in touch somehow.


At 3/31/2006 9:33 PM, Blogger Tam said...

I'm glad you took time to relax Ed! I is sad to leave a company after that long but you'll make new work friends soon - I mean come on, who wouldn't want to be your friend? :)

At 3/31/2006 10:08 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

Hey, Ed. It must be hard to transition - leave a place where you'll miss the people. I wish you well and good fortune in your new job - congrats!

And good for you for getting pampered - and a pedicure, too - you're living on the edge :-) Did you get your toes painted? Today felt like summer, I hope you showed off your pedicure by wearing sandals.

At 4/01/2006 1:54 PM, Blogger Carmen said...

Ed, you got a pedicure? Mariquas! (I went onto one of those translation sites, but it couldn't translate this word properly, so I hope I got the spelling right.)

Congrats on leaving the old job...and getting the new job. You'll make new friends, and forget all about the old friends (well, maybe not forget ALL about them). But let's face it, at the end of high school and college and even your last job, didn't everyone say that they'd keep in touch...and how many are you still friends with? For me, nobody from high school, one person from college and a few from work...until they start to annoy me. ..or vice versa. heh. :)

At 4/01/2006 6:11 PM, Blogger Ed said...

Guys don't get pedicures? Uh, I meant I got a foot massage?

Yeah, good point about the keeping in touch. I think some will due to the magic of the internets. :-)


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