Thursday, March 02, 2006

But baby it's cold outside

I've been up since 3:00AM because I woke up and realized that there was no heat in the house. I called the 24-hour service line and got a hold of someone. (score!) The guy told me to hit the reset button and presto! the furnace turned on. Cool, I thought. So I waited until the upstairs and basement heated to the proper temperture. The basement heated up, but the main floor upstairs had still not kicked in. OK. I figured maybe the water wasn't heated enough yet to go through the pipes. A hour later, nothing. I called back. Got their answering machine this time. I left a message for them to call back. (On the message, it says if it's an emergency to leave a message.) A half and hour passed and no call back. I called them again. Left another message stating that I know that they are probably busy but if they can't make it then I'd try someone else.

Still nothing. I tried calling another oil company and got an answering service. The nice lady stated that if you are not a customer of the company, they won't come out to your house (wtf, I'm thinking). The lady told me that the answering service is for several oil companies in the area and that's how they operate. I hung up and called our oil company. I get the same lady on the phone. I did say that such-and-such oil company was our provider so she took my name and number down and waited for some to call back.

Someone finally did within the half hour and now we are waiting for them to come by to check it out. In the meantime, both upstairs and downstairs now has no heat as both are both the thermosat settings. Such a hassle. 24 hour service, my foot. It should say

"We provide 24 hour service.... but not in a row!"

Update: The service guy from the oil company came by as I was finishing this post and luckily it was not anything major. Air and dirt built up in the pipes so the water wasn't flowing properly to the furnace. The guy flushed out the pipes and everything seems to be working now. Whew. I was afraid somewhere the pipe was frozen.

The other good thing about it was that I was able to watch Monty Python on PBS while waiting for these guys.


At 3/02/2006 12:23 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

That’s a bummer about the heat – but at least it was fixed and not too expensively.

Regarding Monty Python, I don’t know if you know that PBS is airing a total of 6 hour of the “Best of…”. Each hour is the Best of a Monty Python member. So last week, PBS aired the best of Eric Idle and Graham. This week, they aired the best of John Cleese and Terry Gilliam. I watched last week’s episodes – hilarious! And I “tivoed” this week’s episodes. I definitely like these since you don’t have to watch mediocre sketches before getting to the golden nuggets - I equate Monty Python with SNL on this – it can be a waiting game for the hilarious skits.

BTW, Monty Python’s Spamalot is coming to Boston. I’m going to see it next month – I can’t wait!!

At 3/02/2006 10:23 PM, Blogger Ed said...

That's exactly what I saw this morning! It was the John Cleese ones with him as a 90 year old man reminiscing. Good stuff.


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