Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I need to stop eating before going to bed

I just remembered a strange dream I had last night. I sailed away to China with a little row boat behind ya... No, that's not it.

All I remember is that I was with my brother-in-law at a casino-type place at a Texas Hold-Em table playing cards. The dealer was about two players from me when it was announced that this would be the last hand for the night. I looked at my cards and saw that my combined hand had four aces. Four aces! When it was my turn to bet, I was the last player playing against the dealer and I didn't know how much I should put in. I looked at my brother-in-law and asked him but I don't remember if there was an answer (this dream was very foggy much like that silly Caillou). I put in a conservative amount of chips to play it 'safe' and I ended up winning the hand.

Oh, I just remembered the amount, we thought the dealer said I won $715. We then proceeded to the window to cash in the chips. After the Asian guy behind the window (why an Asian guy, who knows?) counted it he said Seven-Fifty. My brother-in-law had said 'what, but the guy said 715'. I tried to shush him up so as not to make a scene, but the guy behind the glass went to get the dealer to verify the actual amount. After a minute, it was confirmed to be $750. So they drew me up this huge check, a la the ones you see at a benefit, or the ones in Happy Gilmore, and the amount had actually said something like $670-something because they took the taxes out. I was so excited I went to show my wife the check and she was happy and that's all I remember of the dream.

So what does this mean? That I have to go rent Happy Gilmore again?


At 2/22/2006 9:58 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

No more cheese before bed time for you! And no more watching poker on TV - you can only watch the Olympics - that will surely put you to sleep before you can reach for a piece of cheese!

At 2/23/2006 12:48 PM, Blogger Tam said...

Hey - I've been enjoying the Olympics! I love Apolo Anton Ono. Ok, I just like saying his name ;)~

I love your dream - it's nice to know other people remember their dreams in such detail.

At 2/23/2006 1:49 PM, Blogger Ed said...

For the record, I do not eat cheese usually before bed time. Now, chocolate on the other hand...

Thanks! I'm surprised I remembered all that I wrote. Maybe I'll start blogging some of these weird ones.

At 2/24/2006 9:22 AM, Blogger Elsa said...

Sorry, Ed. I thought you loved the cheese, but now that I'm thinking about it, I think it's your father that loves the cheese - which I can certainly appreciate since I'm a cheese lover, too.

At 2/25/2006 3:00 PM, Blogger Tam said...

mmmmm cheese.


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