Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Computers are so naughty I just want to pinch them

I was working on my home computer earlier and within 5 minutes of using it, the dang thing shutdown with two continuous beeps. beeeeee-boooooooo, beeeeeeee-boooooooooo
I completely shut it off and then on and then booted. Again, it shutdown within minutes with the same beeps. I tried one more time and again it happened. wtf.

This has happened once in a while since maybe last summer. I thought it was because the house was warm due to the heat so the computer was overheating and it shut itself down as a precaution. But, right now it's the middle of weather. I was talked to my buddy LordRasputin to get his thoughts, and he guessed the CPU was overheating. I've been meaning to check out the heat sink and fans in the case to see if everything was alright, but never got it. Well, today I got to it.

I checked the motherboard manual and the two beeps is indeed a precautionary thing on the board where the power shuts down when the system is in danger of overheating

All the fans (CPU and two system fans) are working. Upon closer look at the CPU fan, there's a good amount of dust between the heat sink and the CPU fan enough that it was covering about one third of the heat sink. Aha! That may be the culprit!

When I had the chance, I shut everything down and unplugged it. Dusted off all the fans, unscrewed the CPU fan from the heat sink and cleaned that out. Put everything back together and started her up. So far it's been up and running ever since. I'm not certain yet that was the problem, because it would happen like this randomly, but so far so good.


At 2/09/2006 10:36 AM, Blogger Carmen said...

My friend had a similar problem, so she brought her computer to a computer fixer (that's the technical term). They cleaned out her computer and found a ton of cat hair in the fan system, which was causing it to "overheat" and shut down.

Apparently, her cat LOVED to scootch up to the back of her computer when it was turned on cause it was so warm and cozy. Needless to say, she had to place a heavy obstacle at the back of it, so her behemoth of a cat (on the verge of being a tiger) wouldn't screw her out of another $200 for repairs.

At 2/09/2006 10:47 AM, Blogger Ed said...

$200 just to get the dust out of your system? Dang, maybe I need to look into that for my next job.

At 2/09/2006 12:37 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

I HATE computer issues! They're no fun. I hope you have good luck with the computer in the future. And I agree with you, I would dust professionally for $200, too!

At 2/09/2006 2:55 PM, Blogger Carmen said...

No crap! Now, I think she'd just try to take it apart herself or take a hammer to it.


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