Monday, February 13, 2006

These things write themselves

I have a feeling Cheney's hunting accident will be blanketing the blogosphere today.

Transcript of VP Cheney and Harry Whittington's conversation before the accident:

Whittington: "Lovely day to hunt down some birds, eh, Dick."
Cheney: "Harrumph. Mmm. Yeah. Did you write up those papers for me about the legality of an Iran invasion and the 'no fault' cause?"
Whittington: "Um, yes, my office has the papers drawn up and signed for. Now, come on, forget about work and let's hunt us some quail. Look! There's a covey of them. I'm going for it. You've all done very well!! (He stumbles into some brush.)
Cheney (with a sinister smile): "Excellent..."
Cheney aims at 'quail' and shouts "Go f*ck yourself!"


At 2/13/2006 7:55 AM, Blogger Elsa said...

I didn't realize the news reporters had a transcript of what was said! :-) Very funny.

I can totally imagine Cheney's side of the conversation - he's such a nice guy. I wonder why more people don't like him.


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