Saturday, March 18, 2006

Allow me to be blunt

Today is Bloggy's first birthday! Hooray! They grow up so fast. (sniff)

My wife and I just came back a little while ago from Boston. We came from a three song set performed by James Blunt at the State Room. This is part of a local FM station's Mix 98.5 Mix Lounge. What a great view of the city's skyline!! We were up on the 33rd floor and the room had about maybe 50 to 100 people at most. They served hors d'oeuvres that included cheese and crackers, grilled veggies, and we tried oyster florentine and spring rolls. yummy. My wife randomly won them yesterday when she was calling the station to request an Irish song they've been playing all day. She wanted me to hear it because I didn't know what it was. (still don't, lol) She kept calling and then finally someone picked up and said 'Please hold', then next thing you know she was talking to the DJ. Good job, honey!!

The show lasted half hour so we were in the State Room for a total of an hour, but it was well worth it!! We walked into Quincy Market afterward and had some lunch--clam chowder in a bread bowl with crab cakes. A wicked pissa!!!


At 3/18/2006 4:02 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

Happy Birthday!

That's sounds really cool - the State Room looks really nice! That wife of yours is very lucky :) Glad you had a fun day!

At 3/18/2006 10:30 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Well, congrats on winning of the show tickets and happy birthday blog!

At 3/19/2006 11:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cool, Ed! I'm glad you guys had fun!! Good stuff. I can't believe blog is 1 already. Did you buy him his own cake?

At 3/19/2006 9:04 PM, Blogger Ed said...

No, but I had an Oreo McFlurry. Does that count?

At 3/20/2006 8:02 AM, Blogger Carmen said...

heh. Blunt rhymes with c**t. heh.

Congrats on the blog and the fancy night out.


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