Friday, February 03, 2006

"Politics is not my strong suit"

So says Mass. Attorney General Tom Reilly yesterday after his hand-picked candidate for Lt. Governor dropped out of the race amid financial woes. Politics is not your thing? Then, why are you running for governor? Well, I wasn't too thrilled that Mr. Reilly announced his candidacy, so it will be interesting what happens with his campaign in the next few weeks.

By the way, what the heck is Geraldo Rivera doing subbing for Regis on Regis and Kelly this morning? ugh.


At 2/03/2006 9:53 AM, Blogger Elsa said...

I saw that Geraldo wason Regis and Kelly, too (I'm home not feeling weel). Two of my least favorite people - I had to swtich the channel very quickly for fear of a panic attack.

At 2/03/2006 12:40 PM, Blogger Carmen said...

Did you hear Marie St. Fleur's speech? "...families like mine who recognize their obligations to meet their financial obligations but most often rob Peter to pay Paul."

I don't know about you, but I don't "rob" Peter to pay Paul. I may "borrow" from Peter (aka Citibank) to pay Paul (aka Discover), but I don't call it robbing. Because, if it was robbing, then I wouldn't be "borrowing" to cover the 21% interest.

I didn't have a huge problem with her financial woes, but it's a bit troubling that a government official is condoning a crime. Maybe her removal from the ticket is for the best.

Didn't see Geraldo, but I don't think the Regis crowd is prone to throwing chairs at him, so maybe he considers the hosting gig a safer bet than hunting Osama.


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