Monday, January 23, 2006

Stomach viruses suck

Whatever strand of flu/stomach virus is making its rounds in the household. Our son got it on Friday and I was heeving on Saturday in the middle of the night and stayed in bed all day on Sunday feeling like excrement. I still feel like crap but not as bad as yesterday.

I went to the Bruins game on Saturday night with my brother-in-law and was already not feeling myself, but I thought it was due to the cold I was getting over. Luckily for me I didn't get sick until after I got home that night.

We're getting a good 2-4 inches of snow today so hopefully that will kill some of the germs out there. Ugh.


At 2/03/2006 3:51 PM, Blogger Tam said...

I agree, they suck! I would so rather trade in how I feel right now for a killer headache. Ed, any advice? All I've been able to handle all day today is about 5 sips of chicken and rice soup and a glass of watered down fruit punch. I must be hungry but I'm afraid to eat! I think I need my mommy :(


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