Friday, January 20, 2006

Farking sleepy

I'm slowly getting over a cold this week which has gone through everyone in the house in one form or another. The joys of winter in New England and having two small children, but I'm not complaining. It's inevitable this time of the year. Plus, the up and down temperatures recently does not bode well to kill off any viruses out there.

Did I mention at all this week that there was a house fire one street over from us last Sunday night and I was shitting bricks because

a) the neighborhood was filled with and smelled of burning wood. We could smell it as soon as we would open a window just a crack, or from the furnance room in the basement because of the vents.
b) it was sub-zero wind chills that night
c) wind gusts were high that night, and
d) at times, sparks from the flames came toward our house and neighbor's house because of said high winds

We were worried about anything else catching on fire, but after four hours the firefighters got the thing under control.


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