Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Just terrible

I know this will probably be the main topic in the blogosphere today, but I had to comment. It's terrible what happened to the miners in West Virginia. I went to bed yesterday thinking the worst because of a headline in the paper that said 'It would take a miracle...' to get them out.

I awoke this morning and my wife said listen to the news about the miners. My first thought was that they didn't make it. So I turned on the news and kept missing the report. I finally listened to it and was flabbergasted to find out that initial reports were that all the miners were safe only to find out three hours later that it was untrue. How could that have happened? Those poor families going on that emotional roller coaster ride only to find out that their loved ones were indeed gone. What kind of lame-ass miscommunication is that? We live in a world where everything is rush, rush, rush, instant messaging, GPS, must have it now, now, NOW and they couldn't get this right? Unbelievable. I'm sure there will be finger pointing in the weeks to come and it will be interesting how it all pans out.


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