Thursday, January 12, 2006

Where are my NPR programs?

Sigh. I'm missing the normal NPR programs during the day this week because of the Judge Alito Patito hearings. (yawn). I'm becoming a political junkie, but for some reason these proceedings aren't interesting me. Maybe it's because I know what will happen and how the media will report it:

Republican Senators: "That Alito, man, is one swell guy. He's great! I'd fuck him."

Democrat Senators: "You suck! I can't believe you dare to soil these chambers by trying to get appointed to the Supreme Court."

Everytime I hear an update, it's the Republicans saying "yeah he did well" and the Demorcrats saying "I don't know about him". No kidding they're going to say this. If it were a Democrat president, the reverse would be true. So give me back Day to Day, Fresh Air and Talk of the Nation, people, and leave the hearings on C-SPAN.


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