Time to make the donuts... in heaven.
Fred the Baker from the Dunkin Donuts commercials has died. This was one of the best commercial campaigns of all time. Rest in peace, Fred.
Fred the Baker from the Dunkin Donuts commercials has died. This was one of the best commercial campaigns of all time. Rest in peace, Fred.
Time magazine has named Battlestar Galactica the top show of 2005. I've watched the program a few times and it really good, not like the original series of the 70's.
Today is the last day of work for some of my co-workers, most of whom I've known for 8+ years at my job. Today is the second of three layoffs from my wonderful company. I will be in the next number in March. I'm sure we'll keep in touch, but it's sucky just the same. It's going to be a lot quieter the next three months.
Saw this on another blog and was laughing in tears. Click here.
This is the time on the blog for a little humbug. I was driving back into work on my lunch break and thinking, "I am so sick of listening to Christmas music." What's wrong with me? I don't know if it is because Christmas and holiday stuff were already on display close to Halloween that I've just got my fill of it, or maybe it's the dang hussle and bustle of everything. It's enough to give you a breakdown. Why can't this country just let everyone celebrate the holidays with friends and family without all the commercial bullshit? I think I need to de-stress.
Went to the Patriots game on Saturday with my brother-in-law and some of his buddies. It was my first time at Gillette Stadium and that place is awe-some. What a nice stadium. Much better than the old Foxboro/Sullivan/whatever Stadium. We had seats fifth row from the field near the end zone. Sah-weet! I'll put up some photos when I get a chance.
Gov. Mitt Romney announced yesterday that he wasn't going to seek re-election for the governors office in my fair Commonwealth. Was that a complete surprise? Heck, no. He's not saying one way or another yet whether he's going to run for President in 2008, but reports are he is testing the waters. I think he's been seeking the presidency since he swooped in three years ago from Utah and took the Republican nomination from then sitting governor Jane Swift. Something about it back then didn't sit right with me about the way he did that.
After I got home from work, my wife was wrapping some presents for secret Santa and the for the kids etc. I helped wrap a few myself while the kids were playing downstairs. When we were done, we had planned to decorate the Christmas tree. So, we called the kids up and had them help what they can. We got the camera out and took some photos. Now, whenever we take a picture, our son wants to take some as well. So, we let him do that. He still doesn't get the concept that his hand blocks the lens a little bit when he takes some pictures. My wife and I sat in front of the tree so that he can take our picture and we would see how it would come out. (some of them come out great, albeit it may be off-center).
Yesterday afternoon, my brother-in-law and I went to get a Christmas tree for our respective homes. We went to a local outlet shop since the trees there, although not grand, are relatively inexpensive. A couple of years ago, they were selling the cheaper ones for $10, but those same selections have since gone up to $18. We found ones that were half decent and brought them home. My wife stayed home with the kids so the kids didn't know what I went out for. It was a surprise. You should have heard the cheers when I brought the tree in. It was great. So, the toiling of choosing a tree, loading it up on top of the van and bringing it in the house was all worth it.
He's a talk show host, game show host, and now singer? What can Regis not do? He has a Christmas album out and listening to some of the clips, I keep waiting for him to belt out something in his trademark yelling voice.
I just saw this news clip on Yahoo:
By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer
Saddam Hussein shouted Tuesday that he will not return "to an unjust court" when it convenes for a fifth session the following day. At the end of the session, when the judges decided to resume the trial Wednesday, Saddam suddenly shouted: "I will not return. I will not come to an unjust court! Go to hell!"
You know, I think I'm going to stop watching the news and reading it online. First, I heard this morning that the Boston Bruins traded their captain Joe Thorton. I hope for the Bruins sake this is like the Nomar trade of the Red Sox from 2004.