Monday, December 12, 2005

O Tannenbaum and other thoughts...

Yesterday afternoon, my brother-in-law and I went to get a Christmas tree for our respective homes. We went to a local outlet shop since the trees there, although not grand, are relatively inexpensive. A couple of years ago, they were selling the cheaper ones for $10, but those same selections have since gone up to $18. We found ones that were half decent and brought them home. My wife stayed home with the kids so the kids didn't know what I went out for. It was a surprise. You should have heard the cheers when I brought the tree in. It was great. So, the toiling of choosing a tree, loading it up on top of the van and bringing it in the house was all worth it.

On a sad note, a dear friend of ours called us yesterday morning to say that her Dad had passed away just a short while before. I had visited him at the hospital on Saturday and he was in ICU and things were day to day. The sucky part is that her and her older brother had just buried her mother just under two years ago. I can't image being 26 and having to buried both parents within two years of each other. Life can be so cruel sometimes and my heart goes out to her. I was going to blog about this yesterday, but was speechless. Still am really.


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