Friday, October 28, 2005

We were just another band out of Boston

Ah, the city streets; the russle and bussle of sidewalks; vendors selling useless crap; students, business people, tourists parading up and down the streets; construction workers... constructing.

Went into Boston this morning and got to go on the commuter rail and hop on the T for the first time in a while. Should have brought the camera to take some photos since I did a bit of walking around town.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Free speech?

The White House is grasping for straws on this one. The last line in the article says it all:

"I would advise them to look for that other guy Osama (bin Laden) ... rather than comedians. I don't think we pose much of a threat," Dikkers said.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

Rest In Peace

Civil rights icon Rosa Parks dies at 92

Monday, October 24, 2005

Probably the best cover song ever.

I just saw and listened to this cover song linked on Wil Wheaton's blog and had to share. It's by a guy named Jonathan Coulton and here is his, in Wil's words, brilliant folksy cover of Baby Got Back.

I'm still here.

So sorry I haven't been blogging as of late. Been tending to my wife who had sinus surgery last week and it's taking a bit longer for her to recuperate. Can I tell you how shitty this year has been for my family health-wise, or so it seems? I know, I know. There are people that are worse off than us so we should be thankful.

I think we just need a vacation.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

And there was much rejoicing...

This guy looks mighty chipper for being booked on conspiracy charges:

DeLay Appears in Houston for Booking

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ten minutes til Wapner.

Transcript from today's Saddam Hussein trial in Iraq:

Iraqi Judge: "For the court records, please state your name."

Hussein: "F*ck you."

Iraqi Judge: "You are to be charged for the murders of hundreds of people in 1982, how do you plead?"

Hussein: "F*ck you."

Iraqi Judge: "Have you any other remarks for your defense?"

Hussein: "F*ck you."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Why would I want to see this?

And another entry into the WTF? files:

David Copperfield to 'magic' girl pregnant

I would much rather have seen Doug Henning do this.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Yo, Adrian, pass me my dentures.

Yet another entry into the WTF? files:

Stallone to star in Sixth 'Rocky' Movie

So much time, so little to write..... Strike that, reverse it.

Where to start...

On Friday, I observed some of the WWdN Poker Tournment online but didn't sign up, because I went to opening night of the Lowell Lock Mosters (AHL hockey) game with my son, Dad, and brother-in-law. My brother-in-law had extra tickets. This was my son's first hockey game and he had a great time. I'm glad my Dad was there too because I had in my mind to have the three of us go watch a game at some point. Funny tidbit of the night: My Dad came back from getting a beer at one point and said, "I'm coming back here more often!" in a jovial voice. He got carded when purchasing the beer and he's 63. LOL They apparently card everyone. As if.

Saturday was a lazy day since it was raining... and raining... and raining all day. We almost had the ark built but then the sun came out on Sunday and it was rather windy and the whole family participated in the Hospice Walk.

Today I need a nap.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

WWdN Poker Tourney

Man, this is tempting. Wil Wheaton is putting on his first WWdN Poker Tournament on Not sure if I'm any good to play, but it does sound like fun. Going to have to think about this one.

What: WWdN Where's My Burrito? Invitational
Where: PokerStars.
When: Friday, October 14th. 4:00 PM EST
Password: monkey
Tournament number: 13722477
Buy-in: $10+1

Gobble, gobble

My cousin pointed this out today:

"Deadly bird flu strain found in Turkey" -CNN
"Deadly bird flu strain confirmed in Turkey" - MSNBC

Ham for Thanksgiving anyone?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Yes, I voted for this guy

Al "lock box" Gore is saying again that he's not going to run for president in 2008. Too bad because I'd vote for him again if not only for the fact that he's ripping into the big Dubya's administration on their handling of various topics. Maybe he'll be the official rah-rah guy for the next Democratic candidate. We shall see.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Are you kidding me?

I saw this headline briefly on the news this morning and couldn't believe it. So the subway threat in New York was a hoax? wtf. Can't you get put in jail for this stuff now? Man.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Happy 100th!

I was just looking at my Blogger Dashboard and this post is SaoMiguelGuy's 100th. My how time flies when you're writing for the hell of it. So what do you give your blog for its 100th post? A tie? A hearty pat on the back and a knowing nod? Maybe a cake and syndication? What did Everybody Loves Raymond do for their 100th episode?

According to, a 100th anniversary gift is a 10 karat diamond. I like you bloggy, but not that much. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you know I'm a married man and this relationship has to stay platonic. What do you mean 'do I have a rabbit and a kettle'? OK, now you're freaking me out. OK. OK. Alright. Stop your crying. Here:

Can we be best buds now? Thank you.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

So Long, Nipsey

I heard this on the news this morning
and it made me quite sad,
A comedian I grew up watching on game shows is gone
and that seems bad

But when you reflect on the poems and jokes
that made people seem tipsy,
You can always count on a smile
when thinking of our old friend, Nipsey

Monday, October 03, 2005

Dong, where is my auto-mo-bile??

Automobiles should last twenty years with only the required oil changing every 3000 miles. OK, I'm dreaming but what the hay. My car is in the shop today getting a complete brake system job which is going to cost us over a grand to fix. The car is 8 years old and still in good condition and since it's the brakes, we need to get them fixed. sigh. Happy Efin Monday.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Literary folly Part Deux

Don't you hate it when you're reading something, whether a novel or an article, and realize after diving knee deep into the story that the narrator is someone else than whom you were thinking or envisioning?

That happened to me this morning while reading The History of Love. The book has two main characters, Leo and Alma. It started off with Leo, but then switches to Alma and I missed the switch somewhere. The part that through me for a loop was when Alma's aunt or grandmother prayed that she would get breastseses. I was thinking, "Why the hell would she do that to the boy?" Oy. (slaps forehead)

P.S. As a follow-up to Thursday's post, I did end up getting the book from the Lynnfield library and returned the one that was due to the Salem library.

I'm just a bill

I hate writing bills sometimes. Such a pain in the ass, but it has to be done. I haven't jumped into the online payment bandwagon because I like to have a paper backup in case I need it.
Check, please.