We were just another band out of Boston

Went into Boston this morning and got to go on the commuter rail and hop on the T for the first time in a while. Should have brought the camera to take some photos since I did a bit of walking around town.
The White House is grasping for straws on this one. The last line in the article says it all:
I just saw and listened to this cover song linked on Wil Wheaton's blog and had to share. It's by a guy named Jonathan Coulton and here is his, in Wil's words, brilliant folksy cover of Baby Got Back.
So sorry I haven't been blogging as of late. Been tending to my wife who had sinus surgery last week and it's taking a bit longer for her to recuperate. Can I tell you how shitty this year has been for my family health-wise, or so it seems? I know, I know. There are people that are worse off than us so we should be thankful.
This guy looks mighty chipper for being booked on conspiracy charges:
Transcript from today's Saddam Hussein trial in Iraq:
And another entry into the WTF? files:
Where to start...
Man, this is tempting. Wil Wheaton is putting on his first WWdN Poker Tournament on PokerStars.com. Not sure if I'm any good to play, but it does sound like fun. Going to have to think about this one.
My cousin pointed this out today:
Al "lock box" Gore is saying again that he's not going to run for president in 2008. Too bad because I'd vote for him again if not only for the fact that he's ripping into the big Dubya's administration on their handling of various topics. Maybe he'll be the official rah-rah guy for the next Democratic candidate. We shall see.
I saw this headline briefly on the news this morning and couldn't believe it. So the subway threat in New York was a hoax? wtf. Can't you get put in jail for this stuff now? Man.
I was just looking at my Blogger Dashboard and this post is SaoMiguelGuy's 100th. My how time flies when you're writing for the hell of it. So what do you give your blog for its 100th post? A tie? A hearty pat on the back and a knowing nod? Maybe a cake and syndication? What did Everybody Loves Raymond do for their 100th episode?
Automobiles should last twenty years with only the required oil changing every 3000 miles. OK, I'm dreaming but what the hay. My car is in the shop today getting a complete brake system job which is going to cost us over a grand to fix. The car is 8 years old and still in good condition and since it's the brakes, we need to get them fixed. sigh. Happy Efin Monday.
Don't you hate it when you're reading something, whether a novel or an article, and realize after diving knee deep into the story that the narrator is someone else than whom you were thinking or envisioning?