Monday, October 17, 2005

So much time, so little to write..... Strike that, reverse it.

Where to start...

On Friday, I observed some of the WWdN Poker Tournment online but didn't sign up, because I went to opening night of the Lowell Lock Mosters (AHL hockey) game with my son, Dad, and brother-in-law. My brother-in-law had extra tickets. This was my son's first hockey game and he had a great time. I'm glad my Dad was there too because I had in my mind to have the three of us go watch a game at some point. Funny tidbit of the night: My Dad came back from getting a beer at one point and said, "I'm coming back here more often!" in a jovial voice. He got carded when purchasing the beer and he's 63. LOL They apparently card everyone. As if.

Saturday was a lazy day since it was raining... and raining... and raining all day. We almost had the ark built but then the sun came out on Sunday and it was rather windy and the whole family participated in the Hospice Walk.

Today I need a nap.


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