Saturday, October 01, 2005

Literary folly Part Deux

Don't you hate it when you're reading something, whether a novel or an article, and realize after diving knee deep into the story that the narrator is someone else than whom you were thinking or envisioning?

That happened to me this morning while reading The History of Love. The book has two main characters, Leo and Alma. It started off with Leo, but then switches to Alma and I missed the switch somewhere. The part that through me for a loop was when Alma's aunt or grandmother prayed that she would get breastseses. I was thinking, "Why the hell would she do that to the boy?" Oy. (slaps forehead)

P.S. As a follow-up to Thursday's post, I did end up getting the book from the Lynnfield library and returned the one that was due to the Salem library.


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