Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When it rains, it snows.

As Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say, "It's always something". As I was driving into work this morning, the temperature gauge on the dash of my car started to dance up and down like a jumping bean. I noticed it slowly inched it's way up as I was idling at a traffic light or slowing down. If I continued on, the gauge would drop back near normal. I was figuring the wind draft was cooling the radiator through the grill as I was driving at constant speeds.

I did stop at a CVS parking for a few minutes for fear I wasn't going to make it to the dealership where I sometimes go to to get my car serviced. (Actually, it was the same place I purchased the car.) I had my daughter with me and was on my way to drop her off at my folks so that my Dad would babysit her today. I called him up while at CVS and told him what was going on and asked him if he could meet me at the dealership. I made it there without the car overheating and they are going to at least diagnose the problem. My Dad let me borrow his car to get to work (Thanks, Dad!) and now I wait to find out what the deal is. I have a feeling there is a leak in the radiator and it will need to be replaced.


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