Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hyenas and cabin fever

I haven't been posting lately because I'm recovering from a hernia surgery last week. Before that the family was on vacation for a week so I didn't have access to a computer/internet connection which was a nice break. Now I'm back to a slow recovery it's coming to the "man, this sucks" stage because I haven't been outside the perimeter of my house since coming home from the surgery. Maybe I'll have to write my adventures of that day and since. More to come.


At 8/23/2005 1:31 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Hope you feel better!

At 8/25/2005 8:58 AM, Blogger Ed said...

kim - Thanks!

rasputin - Regis rules! I just saw on the news ticker that today (Thurs.) is his birthday.


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