Friday, August 05, 2005

Meter maids must have special powers

I went downtown to a gift shop, parked the car and put in a quarter in the meter for 15 minutes as I didn't think I was going to take too long. I went in and bought what I was looking for and walked back to the car. There under the passenger side wiper was a nice $15 ticket.

"Aww, son of a bitch." I cried. Was someone watching my car and waiting for the dang meter to expire?

I looked around and there was no one up and down the street from where I parked. I looked at the ticket and it said 10:36 and the time on my watch was 10:40. My watch is usually a few minutes fast. wtf. Where did this meter person come from and where did he/she/it go? I can only picture that said person was standing right next to me with an invisibility cloak on taunting me.


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