Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Harry Update

Book covers have been released...


Deathly Hallows' cover art released!
Scholastic and Bloomsbury today both revealed the covers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!

- United States Children's Edition - view here
- United Kingdom Children's Edition - view here
- United Kingdom Adult Edition - view here

You can also view a high-res version of the entire US jacket HERE.

Bloomsbury also announced today that the UK edition will be 608 pages long. As previously announced, the US version of the book will have 784 pages, making it longer than GOF. However, the UK page count makes DH shorter than the British GOF (which is 636 pages long). We presume this is due to an increased font size for the US version.

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UPDATE: Arthur Levine, the US Potter editor, spoke this morning on the TODAY show about the American cover:

"We're seeing Harry in a very interesting situation. Readers will find out exactly what the situation is.

"When I was reading it, I had both the excitement and the power of the book, and the plot, driving me forward. But I was also feeling a little sad. It's the last time."

When Levine admitted he "sobbed and sobbed" while reading Deathly Hallows, he was asked the following:

"That means someone we like dies, doesn't it?"

"Well, it means it is a very, very emotional book," he responded.
Posted by Andrew on Mar 28th | 971 Comments | Submit News | Categories: Book 7



At 3/31/2007 7:22 AM, Blogger Carmen said...

OMG, I'm giddy!

At 3/31/2007 8:50 PM, Blogger Ed said...

I'm feeling very girly myself.


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