Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My silly turpentine

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Up here we're in the middle of a snowy/icy/rainy mix storm which is terrible for those out on the roads. Luckily, they closed my office today and I'm working from home and taking care of the kids... and it's my first time watching Regis in ages! Woo!

In the news, our former Mass. Governor Mitt "I will not run for president but my options are open" Romney officially announced his candidacy for president of the United States. Romney entering the presidential ring brings the total number of candidates to a staggering 845 candidates from all political parties. Well, maybe not that many, but it sure does seem like it. I wouldn't be surprised if Hubert Humphrey or Pat Paulsen makes a posthumous run.


At 2/16/2007 12:50 PM, Blogger Elsa said...

Happy belated V-day. I had a snow day, too!

I think we are going to have more presidential candidates visiting NH than we have people living here!

At 2/20/2007 9:24 PM, Blogger Kim said...

I'm thinking of running. If people will vote for a guy named Mitt, someone will vote for me.


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