Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What a load of crap

I saw on the news this morning that a gas station on the South Shore is charging $3.29 a gallon for regular unleaded, while just a mile down the road another gas station is charging "just" $2.79/gallon. What's up with all this price gauging?! Katrina, my foot.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Ice coff-ay rocks!

I went out of the house for the first time in a week today and I felt like a little girl. My wife came home from work, picked up the kids and called to tell me to wait outside for them. We went for a ride around town and stopped at a nearby Dunkin Donuts to get ice coffees. Yummy. I was feeling alright so we decided to go to BJ's Wholesale as we were nearby and are currently low on baby wipes.

We headed in and noticed the little motor scooter/shopping cart thingy for people who have a hard time walking. My wife said why don't you use it so you won't be on your feet the whole time. I felt kind of awkward, but decided to try it out so I asked the lady for the key to one of them.

I sat down and tried to recline as much as possible so as not to aggrevate where the incision is. I drove around the store and got a new appreciation for people who need to use wheelchairs. Maybe it's just because I'm still on the road to recovery, but it felt like everyone around the store was going in super-fast motion. The go cart thingy had some pep to it so I was able to get around quickly, but the stopping part I need to get used to. The bloody thing seemed to abruptly stop no matter how I would let go of the accelerator. (There was only a forward and backward lever on the handle, no brake handle.) This made for some interesting stop and gos.

When we were done shopping and I returned Speed Racer to its rightful parking space, I slowly walked back to the van considerably more sore than when I first walked in. Maybe I should have skipped the go cart and used the ole two legs, or maybe I should have just stayed in the van. Anyway, it was nice to get out of the house even for just a while. Now I'll be taking my ice-packed groin to lay down and rest.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hyenas and cabin fever

I haven't been posting lately because I'm recovering from a hernia surgery last week. Before that the family was on vacation for a week so I didn't have access to a computer/internet connection which was a nice break. Now I'm back to a slow recovery it's coming to the "man, this sucks" stage because I haven't been outside the perimeter of my house since coming home from the surgery. Maybe I'll have to write my adventures of that day and since. More to come.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Meter maids must have special powers

I went downtown to a gift shop, parked the car and put in a quarter in the meter for 15 minutes as I didn't think I was going to take too long. I went in and bought what I was looking for and walked back to the car. There under the passenger side wiper was a nice $15 ticket.

"Aww, son of a bitch." I cried. Was someone watching my car and waiting for the dang meter to expire?

I looked around and there was no one up and down the street from where I parked. I looked at the ticket and it said 10:36 and the time on my watch was 10:40. My watch is usually a few minutes fast. wtf. Where did this meter person come from and where did he/she/it go? I can only picture that said person was standing right next to me with an invisibility cloak on taunting me.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Really? I didn't know that.

I just saw this headline on the Yahoo front page:
Bush: Iraq attack a grim reminder of war

No shit, Sherlock. It's been over two years since you've sent our guys and gals over there and now you've come to that realization? Mr. President, you deserve a doctorate for that statement. Can someone please impeach this guy? Anyone?