Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Vavo's house

I ran my Tuesday 5K run last night and finished in 26:54. I finally broke 27 minutes! Afterward, I met my Dad at my grandmother's house to have a look at the place. A lot of stuff had already been cleaned out or taken by my uncles and cousins, but a good amount is still in place. It felt nice being there. It still felt like she was going to come around the corner from the kitchen and offer a plate of cookies, peanuts, or her famous lady finger cake. Something she always did whenever company came over.

My cousin and two of my uncles came by while we were there and we went through some stuff, like old records, and figure out who in the family would like what. My cousin was telling me that she'd like to go back to the old country this year or at some point before my grandmother's house is sold. I'd be up for that!


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