Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Sorry, haven't been in the mood to blog lately. Been having the blahs since Friday. Could be weather related. (It's been raining off and on since Friday. The sun finally came out today) Or I could just be poopy because it was the first Mother's Day since my grandmother passed away. Don't get me wrong, it was a nice day spending it with my wife and kids and visiting my parents and the in-laws, but I think it was the back of my mind. Worrying how my Dad and my uncles would be feeling on Sunday.

My Dad and uncles have been going to her house off and on since then cleaning out her house, figuring out what needs to be done. One of my uncles, who lives upstairs from her, is buying the house and my cousin is going to move in downstairs with her husband. I'm going to go by her house later after my run to see the place one more time before they do any renovations to it. I think I just need to go there while some of her stuff is still in place.


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