Saturday, April 30, 2005

Land of make believe

This has been an interesting week in the 'What were they thinking?' category of the news. Earlier in the week, two roofers from Methen, MA claimed to have dug up in their backyard some buried treasure. We found out a few days later that the story was made up and they allegedly stole it from someone's barn where they were doing a roofing job.

Then a bride-to-be went missing this week several days before she and her fiance were to marry. She was found earlier today and said that she had been kidnapped. We then find out that this wasn't true and that she indeed had cold feet and ran away.

Moral of these stories....

Just say no to hoaxes, or Hoaxes is for dopeses.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Darn that Pat O'Brien

...and getting himself rehabilitated. Apparently, he has gone through his rehab stint and now the world wonders if "Adam" will post another blog on his website.
Is the title of his blog site now defunct? I guess we'll have to wait until Monday to find out more. Until then, I think I'll bury my head in my hands and cry.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

It keeps you running.

Well I did end up hanging around and running the race last night. I bettered my time from the week before by a minute. Woohoo! The weather was cooler than last week which helped. Today, I'm sleepy and tired.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Designing II : The Wrath of Blog

dang it, I need to figure out a new design for this blog. I'm not sure I like this one either.

To race or not to race

My weekly series run is being pushed back to 7:15pm instead of 7:00 due to a hockey playoff game that's being held in the arena where the starting line is. Don't know whether to just go for the run before hand so that I can go home earlier, or wait until the official race. Decisions, decisions.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Just playing around with some blog templates. The site may change a few times. We'll see.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Reason #37 why parents should have the patience of a saint.

Picture if you will a round dinner table with four chairs, two of which are occupied by a 4 1/2 year old boy and a 21 month old girl. Both are eating sliced hot dogs and corn (from a can) for dinner. While the kids get a head start on supper, the Dad gets up and makes himself a sandwich to bring to the table. When he was finished, he turned around and headed back to the table where he finds his daughter taking a kernel of corn at a time and throwing it on the floor instead of eating the darned things. It looked like she was doing ok with the hot dog since there were only a few pieces on said floor.

The son had finished his supper and asked for one more hot dog and some tortilla chips. So, the Dad got up, heated up another hot dog, grabbed some chips and put it on his plate. He didn't want it anymore and was 'not hungry'. Fine. The Dad finishes his sandwich and then proceeds to get the daughter out of the booster seat. Lo and behold, when she was taken out of the seat, treasures of hot dog pieces and corn niblets were stashed underneath her legs and buttocks. Maybe she has a hole in her leg. Whatever.

I have a headache.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I need a drink

Man, what a f*cking day. That's all I have to say for fear of being dooced.

Baby, if you're feeling good.... Baby, if you're feeling nice.... You know your man is working hard... He's worth a douche.

Interesting read

I'm about a third to half done reading the Dean Karnazes book listed on my 'What I'm Reading' section and am amazed at what this guy does with his running. He's efin nuts. He runs 50 or 100 miles treks at a time. It's inspiring reading for runners and non-runners alike.

I just finished the story where he ran his first 100 mile race in the Sierra Nevada and at the end of it, his whole body cramped up and he couldn't move for a while. I have trouble finishing 5K sometimes never mind this. Efin nuts I tell ya.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Stay in drugs, don't do school, and drink your milk

Don't give me that jibba-jabba. If I hear anymore of these buzzwords, I'm going to sh*t. Argggh.

Is it hot in here or is it me?

Man, is this typical New England weather or what? We're in mid-April and it's friggin' 84 degrees outside. Just last week there were a few snow showers in the area. But tomorrow it's back to the 50's, and I don't mean Elvis. Why am I writing about the weather? Ugh.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Habemus Papam

Wow, my wife just emailed me saying that a new pope has been elected. Cardinal Ratzinger is the new guy. I think it's going to take a while to digest this. It just seems weird having a new pope.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Movin' on up

And I thought I was a dork.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Buddy Jesus?

I'm not sure how I feel about this...

To do list:
  • Write this thought down
  • Write a novel
  • Go right to bed

Friday, April 15, 2005

First gas, now this...

I went to get my daily ice coff-ay with my work buddy to our usual watering hole and found that the coffee prices went up 21 cents. wtf. This price change brought the total to over two dollars. So, now, instead of handing the person behind the counter two one dollar bills and be done with it, I'll need to hand over at least three bills. I asked the manager girl, who was taking our orders, about it and it went something like this:

Me: "The prices of coffee went up, huh?"
Manager Girl: "Yeah, they went up overnight."

No explanation, no nothing. Oh well. They've been nice to us up until now. Heck, super nice. There have been many times where we'll walk in and our orders will be ready on the counter before we get up there. (Can you tell we're regulars?)

Coffee. It's what's for dinner!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Writer's block

I've got nothing. Blah, blah, blah. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

More to come...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Wicked piss-a!

Opening day ring ceremony

Friday, April 08, 2005

Girl's Best Friend

From the archives of the bizarre.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Great T-Shirt...

Gotta love it...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Run, Forrest, Run

Yesterday, I ran my first 5K race since last October and boy are my arms tired! (Apologies to Henny Youngman). I finished in just under 28 minutes which I was happy with considering the grueling winter and lack of regular runs.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Daylight Savings and Loan

Every April brings upon the yearly ritual most Americans adhere too with longing anticipation. The budding of the first spring flower you say? Opening day of your favorite major league baseball team? No, kids, it's daylight savings where most of America turn their clocks ahead one hour to get an 'extra hour' of daylight. That extra hour turns into one less hour of sleep that night and it usually takes this writer a few days to a week to adjust. Why can't we just keep the daylight savings as it is year round? Wouldn't that just make for a more pleasant winter knowing that nighttime will not befall upon the land at 4:30pm in December? Am I asking too many questions? How does an ocean wave wave?

Well, until we get that hour back in October, here's to another cup of java.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

John Paul II, We Love You

1920 - 2005

The vigil continues...

I have a live feed going of a shot of St. Peter's Square at the Vatican and it looks like there are hundreds of pilgrims there singing and prarying waiting for any updates. If I figure out the URL of the page, I'll post the link. I've been scanning all the articles on the Pope and found this one and asked myself, "Do I really give two sh*ts what this guy thinks?", and is what he's saying sincere? I know, I know that's not Christian of me to think that way, but heck, this is probably what he's really thinking.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Damn it

Just heard the news that the Pope is not doing so well. What pisses me off is that the news organizations are already writing him off and looking at who will be the next Pope.