Saturday, April 23, 2005

Reason #37 why parents should have the patience of a saint.

Picture if you will a round dinner table with four chairs, two of which are occupied by a 4 1/2 year old boy and a 21 month old girl. Both are eating sliced hot dogs and corn (from a can) for dinner. While the kids get a head start on supper, the Dad gets up and makes himself a sandwich to bring to the table. When he was finished, he turned around and headed back to the table where he finds his daughter taking a kernel of corn at a time and throwing it on the floor instead of eating the darned things. It looked like she was doing ok with the hot dog since there were only a few pieces on said floor.

The son had finished his supper and asked for one more hot dog and some tortilla chips. So, the Dad got up, heated up another hot dog, grabbed some chips and put it on his plate. He didn't want it anymore and was 'not hungry'. Fine. The Dad finishes his sandwich and then proceeds to get the daughter out of the booster seat. Lo and behold, when she was taken out of the seat, treasures of hot dog pieces and corn niblets were stashed underneath her legs and buttocks. Maybe she has a hole in her leg. Whatever.

I have a headache.


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