Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Actress Jennifer Tilly Wins Poker Event.

Proper English, people.

This may be because we have two small kids, or maybe I'm just being picky but when did the phrase "All of a sudden" become "All of the sudden"? I was researching a newsgroup for an answer to a problem at work and one of the sentences started with "All of the sudden". It drove me nuts. No wonder why Johnny can't read.

And while we're at it, it's library not li-berry!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Damn reality shows

I'm recently got hooked to Hell's Kitchen where a bunch of aspiring chefs gets berated by the head chef in hopes to win the competition and get their own restaurant. Each week, a chef from the losing team of chefs gets eliminated. I think I'm interested because I used to be a cook in a nursing home during my high school and college days.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Return To Sender

So I went to the post office to pick us up some stamps. I returned home and showed my wife and she called me a geek. The stamps I purchased were not regular ones but some new ones of American Scientists. Yes, I am a geek.

Friday, June 24, 2005


Is it me or is Karl Rove a big icehole? We are all supposed to be on the same side here. With comments continually coming from this guy, the bickering between the two major political parties will never end.

Remember when President W said in the 2000 campaign that he was a uniter not a divider? As if.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Happy Birthday Vavo

Today would have been my grandmother's 93rd birthday. On Friday, it will be six months since she died.

Frankly, Scarlet

Soylent Green is people!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Put your head on my shoulder...

My Mom's favorite singer growing up has a new album out.

Happy Belated Father's Day...

to all you muthas. :-)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

William Efin Shatner

Wil Wheaton is one funny sh*t. This week I listened to his speech at Gnomedex 4.0 back in October 2004 and he's a very good speaker and has interesting stories to tell.... if you're a geek like me. I may have to go out and get his books now. :-)

Well, I'm off to get more flooring for the living room and run other errands if I think of it.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Venga Boys are coming...

LOL I saw this on and laughed my arse off. Not at what the guy did, but when I saw the picture. Can you say Six Flags Great Adventure?

Black Gold, Texas Tea

Went to get an oil change during my lunch break. Thanks to a company discount, it only cost $18.12. I can't remember the last time I paid that little for an oil change. The guy there did tell me, however, that my rear brakes are 95% worn so I'll need to get those replaced soon. Ah, the joys of owning a car.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Dance Fever

I'm in the middle of watching that dance competition show thingy on ABC where a celebrity is paired up with a dancer. I keep waiting for Deney Terrio to show up and tackle Tom Bergeron for some air time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We Didn't Start The Fire

Then who the hell did?! Anyone else tired of hearing about:

Jack-o the Wack-o? - Miss Jackson if you're nasty.

Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes a.k.a TomKat? - People, he's having a f*cking mid-life crisis and acting like a 15 year old school girl who's gotten a date to the prom with the beau-hunk football player. If they are really in love, then all the power to them. I just envision on a forthcoming red carpet walk, Dawson will bump into TomKat and ask Katie to come back to him and climb up to his bedroom window and watch a movie.

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jo-lips? - Publicity stunt for their movie. Probably and who the heck cares?

Britney Spears and Cleetus? - oy

What's next? I'm afraid to find out.

Happy Flag Day