Ocho Cinco??
So how is everyone's summer going? That's good. Did anyone see the Obama Coronation the other night? Yeah, me too for a bit. I was more interested in the Biden speech myself the night before.
Way to go McCain for making Alaska relevant again! Mooseburgers for everyone in the White House! Who would of thunk that Michael Palin of Monty Python was governor of the largest state in the Union, and a former beauty queen runner-up at that. That guy has many talents.
Seriously, I am actually looking forward to the upcoming months of debates. History is in the making on either side and McCain did not take the Dole route and pick an obvious choice of VP. Hillary Clinton must be seething. Should be interesting.
I also thought that life is imitating art. Is anyone a fan of Battlestar Galactica on SciFi channel? Sarah Palin is being put in a position sort of like Laura Roslin is on the show. At the beginning of the series, she is the Secratery of Education and after a big tragedy is sworn in as President of the Colonies due to the line of succession. God forbid something should happen to John McCain, but Sarah Palin's parents were teachers and she is a heartbeat away from the presidency.
And are you ready for some football??!! Football!