Friday, November 03, 2006

More cowbell

This blog needs more cowbell. Just been too busy lately to post daily but I'll try to make an effort.

Today is National Cliche Day so killing two birds with one stone here... and remember to vote on Tuesday!! Vote No and Question Yes!


At 11/04/2006 2:19 PM, Blogger Tam said...

I've got an "axe to grind" with you SaoMiguel...I can't believe you didn't give prior notice about National Cliche Day! I guess I was just too busy yesterday making money "hand over fist" to realize what day it was. Ok, well I hope things are going well in "your neck of the woods". Bye!

At 11/06/2006 10:33 AM, Blogger Ed said...

Yes, yes, I was "behind the ball" on that one. Although, I had just heard about it that morning. Oh well, live and learn. :-)


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