Another show to get hooked on...
Hosted by everybody's favorite clean-freak Full House alumni, Bob Saget, "1 vs. 100" is a new game show in which the one contestant goes up against 100 another regular Joes aptly called "the mob". The object is to eliminate the 100 members in order to win $1 million. Bob Saget asks a question and the mob puts in their answers. If the contestant answers the question correctly, then he or she wins money based on how many of the mob get it wrong.
Then, if the contestant continues, he or she goes up against the remaining mob members, otherwise he or she walks away with the money won up to that point. If the contestant gets the answer wrong, the remaining mob members split the money. They had some celebrity mob members like Jeopordy champion, Ken Jennings. We started watching it last week and got hooked.